Wednesday, 25 November 2015

nine day detox - day 1~3

i have noticed a distinct lack of waist these last few months... a bad habit of evening snacking taking on a whole new level {i ate a packet of pork pies one night after my pilates class}
so, i decided to do the nine day forever living aloe vera cleanse - c9 for short. here is how i got on...

day one ~
i took all my measurements and weighed myself and noted it all down in the special booklet that came in the pack.  this wee booklet is packed with ideas to help you with the cleanse, but it also has step by step tick~boxes to make sure you keep to the plan! which has been really helpful in motivating me to keep going ~ making notes as you go along is a great way to keep you focused on the task at hand!
so, the first day was tough ~
breakfast was two garcinia tablets, 120mls of forever aloe gel and one forever therm, with plenty of water!
the garcinia cambogia is a tree native to southeast asia, the fruit from it is known to help reduce the conversion of carbohydrate to fats, lower cholesterol and aid metabolism. 
the therm tablets are full of vitamins, nutrients and botanicals to reduce fatigue and aid metabolism.
the gel has numerous beneficial properties; a rich source of nutrients, it provides the perfect supplement to a balanced diet.
for snack i had a drink {diluted down fruit juice}with some of the forever fiber dissolved into it. yum.
lunch was the same as breakfast but you get to have a forever lite ultra shake, which i mixed with 300ml of skimmed milk and added frozen berries, it was delicious!
the powder is packed with vitamins and minerals it is great as a meal supplement or as a protein shake if you are trying to build muscle.

the evening meal is just two garcinia tablets and 120mls of gel...
so, not a lot of food consumed today & i am definitely noticing a low level grumble in my tummy almost constantly. but it is okay because the c9 program allows you to eat as many free foods throughout the day as you need to keep hunger at bay.... free foods are things like apples, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, grapes etc.
just before bed i got to drink another 120ml of the gel ~ which i am mixing with the forever berry nectar as i prefer the taste of that {the kids and i drink it everyday already so my stomach likes it!}

day two ~
today was the same as day one, again, not much food consumed today either! but on the whole i feel okay!
felt a little light headed this afternoon but an apple and some grapes helped tide me over til my evening meal of aloe gel and suppliments!
tonight was particularly tricky as i had a parents committee meeting and there was wine and snacks on offer... i was very good and managed to sip on a water instead. i can't wait for tomorrow when i can eat an actual meal! ooh... what shall i have?

day three ~
so, this is where it gets exciting! i was allowed a shake for breakfast alongside my garcinia, aloe gel and therm tablets... i made it with bananas and took it on the school run. i felt very energised this morning, really keen to get on with the day!

my evening meal was to be 600 calories. i had slow cooked lamb with kidney beans and lots of veg on a bed of pasta, it was so good! i felt full really quickly... but then i just wanted to keep eating... i wanted to eat cake and crisps and have tea and biscuits! it was like i had opened the flood gates!
i managed to resist and had a carrot instead!
really noticing that i am wee-ing a lot more than usual! must be the detox working... i have also noticed my skin working hard to repair itself ~ a few little dry areas appearing as it flushes out the toxins.
i got to measure myself again today and alongside a few lost inches i have noticed a real change in my shape! {i will post all the stats at the end!}

*disclaimer ~ the above links will take you to my FLP selling page.

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