Tuesday, 15 March 2016

crazy in the coconut

aloe vera and coconut oil... two products i just couldn't be without!
i posted recently about the wonders of aloe vera and all it's many uses and now it is the turn of the humble coconut oil.
i love this... and just like aloe, it is a natural product that is amazing for your skin and hair and overall health.

it can be taken as a mouthwash ~ i have a whole post coming up about this... not for the faint hearted!

it can be used as a moisturiser, lubricant, hair conditioner, deodorant, nappy cream, makeup remover, lipbalm, sunscreen, cradle cap treatment... in your cooking! so versatile!

for me, i always have it to hand around the house for those stubborn dry patches of skin, to dab onto lips during the winter months and of course for oil pulling ~ when my stomach allows it!

if you happen to have some coconut oil and aloe vera gel in the house then i have a couple of great health recipes for you...

For treating dandruff you need to take about 1/3 cup of coconut oil along with 4 spoons of aloe vera gel. To this mixture, add about 2 spoons of lemon juice. Do not heat the oil now. Just whip till it turns smooth and the aloe vera melts. Apply this on scalp to root. The dryness is combated by the coconut oil while the lemon juice fights the dandruff. Aloe vera prevents infections that occur commonly because of the dandruff - See more at: http://www.findhomeremedy.com/6-ways-to-use-aloe-vera-and-coconut-oil-for-health/#sthash.gixAGx3f.dpuf
dry hair ~ mix together half a cup of coconut oil and 3 or 4 teaspoons of aloe gel and gently heat to melt... this can be used immediately or stored for a week or two. when applied to dry hair it can help prevent dry hair and scalp issues {such as dandruff for example} it nourishes and adds shine and lustre and can also help prevent hair loss.

for an intensive dandruff treatment add some lemon juice {about 2 spoons} to the above mixture and apply to the scalp and roots.

sensitive skin ~ mix together a t-spoon of each and gently heat to melt then apply the mixture to your face and neck and even your body to help reduce stretch marks and cellulite {you may need to make a bit more for this though!}

you can drink a combination of the two as well which will help boost your immune system, fight infection and improve many of your bodily functions! {the lauric acid found in coconut milk is also found in breast milk} just mix a spoon of each and drink! you can add it to food or water as well.

For treating dandruff you need to take about 1/3 cup of coconut oil along with 4 spoons of aloe vera gel. To this mixture, add about 2 spoons of lemon juice. Do not heat the oil now. Just whip till it turns smooth and the aloe vera melts. Apply this on scalp to root. The dryness is combated by the coconut oil while the lemon juice fights the dandruff. Aloe vera prevents infections that occur commonly because of the dandruff - See more at: http://www.findhomeremedy.com/6-ways-to-use-aloe-vera-and-coconut-oil-for-health/#sthash.gixAGx3f.dpuf
For treating dandruff you need to take about 1/3 cup of coconut oil along with 4 spoons of aloe vera gel. To this mixture, add about 2 spoons of lemon juice. Do not heat the oil now. Just whip till it turns smooth and the aloe vera melts. Apply this on scalp to root. The dryness is combated by the coconut oil while the lemon juice fights the dandruff. Aloe vera prevents infections that occur commonly because of the dandruff. - See more at: http://www.findhomeremedy.com/6-ways-to-use-aloe-vera-and-coconut-oil-for-health/#sthash.gixAGx3f.dpuf
For treating dandruff you need to take about 1/3 cup of coconut oil along with 4 spoons of aloe vera gel. To this mixture, add about 2 spoons of lemon juice. Do not heat the oil now. Just whip till it turns smooth and the aloe vera melts. Apply this on scalp to root. The dryness is combated by the coconut oil while the lemon juice fights the dandruff. Aloe vera prevents infections that occur commonly because of the dandruff. - See more at: http://www.findhomeremedy.com/6-ways-to-use-aloe-vera-and-coconut-oil-for-health/#sthash.gixAGx3f.dpuf